Drone Destoryer




Criminals have been disrupting airports by flying drones that could cause great damage if they were hit by an airliner taking off or landing. Your airport has invested in a high spec drone designed to cause lesser drones to crash, and employed you to pilot it remotely. Your weapons are designed to tangle up in the rotors of other drones, making them unstable and unflyable. Unfortunately the criminals’ drones are now equipped with similar weapons, and their operators will try to take your drone down too. You score points by making their drones crash. Your own drone is quite resilient because it has 12 rotors and so needs to be hit several times before it will crash. You also can rely on airport personnel to remove any entanglements so you can fly again, but you have to land safely near enough to them for them to do that. You don’t need to worry about running out of power, you have big batteries that can be instantly replaced by those airport workers. You also have to avoid crashing into any airliners yourself, and avoid hurting airport staff who are there to get you going again. If you are made to crash, it is game over – or lose a life, if you prefer. If you kill enough drones, you get a better drone for the next time, but you have to face more criminal drones at a time.


Use Unity3D to develop a 3-dimensional game for laptop.
